Evluation Task 4
Posted by Unknown
AS Coursework,
Audience Profilling,
Evaluation task 4,
Target audiences,
This is Tom king who is 19 and lives in a small vilalge of Croft, in the leicestershire, he is a full tiem studnet who is studiying gegraphy,science. He is intrested in long distances runnig and weightlifting. he is a very active person who enkys physcial activity.
The type of filsm that Tom likes shooter, the dark knight, tghe Bourne trilogy he is interested in action thriller films becuase most of his favourite films fall into not that genre.Tom is laos intresrted in going to the cinema and is abig movie fan.
I htinks that Tom would like our film becuase it is sismalir to a lot of his favourte action thriller filmns such as the Bourne Triology which is his favourite triolgy films, it would also appeal to Tom becuase it ocntians high paced action simialr to the bouren films
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