How New Technologies Have Allowed Film Institutions to Advance in Targeting Audiences

How New Technologies Have Allowed Film Institutions to Advance in Targeting Audiences


Camera Angles and Editing

Posted by Unknown on 14:28 in
Camera Shots


Male Gaze - Based on Mulvey’s, Ferguson's, Shroeder’s and Millum’s Theories of the Male Gaze


Film Distribution

Film Distribution

Click on the image for an excellent guide to film distribution. The BFI screenonline page includes articles on: licensing, marketing, advertising, the logistics of distribution and digital distribution.


Distribution - Licensing, Marketing and Logisitics

Posted by Unknown on 09:52 in , , ,
1. Licensing
Licensing is when your product is given a certificate, for example a film being given a 15 or a violent game being given an 18 because it’s inappropriate for anybody under the certain age.
The major US studios have their own distribution offices in 90+ markets across the world, whereas independent film companies have to distribute through other companies, due to not being able to afford to do it themselves.
Distributors will be offered theatrical rights which will allow them to put the Film onto a DVD, Reels, etcetera. Royalties are normally paid out to the producers of the Films, for each time it’s played to the public. After two years of the films being shown in cinemas, TV companies such as the BBC, ITV will be allowed to buy theatrical rights, which will allow them to air the films on live tv.

2. Marketing
Marketing is the method companies use to promote a product. The methods they use to advertise are;
• Product Placement is where a product e.g. Aston Martin is placed in a film like James Bond.
This is used because the company like Aston Martin will get above the line and widespread advertising; this can also turn into viral marketing because if there’s a product such as a nice car being used or featured in a film, people will speak about it.
• Synergy marketing – This is when a company like Disney uses a large company like McDonalds to advertise their latest films. For example you will see film like Pirates of the Caribbean on children’s McDonalds Happy Meal Boxes, cups and toys
This is used because Disney will get wider spread advertising, than just their own adverts, if McDonalds advertise their Happy Meals, they’ll advertise the film as well as.
• Viral marketing - viral marketing isn’t always but mainly is when a product/service is advertised by word of mouth. Flashed based games can also be a method of viral marketing.
Companies normally use around 50% of their budget.
Hollywood blockbusters have around 1000 to 2000 reels where as independent and small film producing companies have around 10 to 100 reels per film.

3. Logistics
Film Distributions - Logisitics

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Types of Male Gaze (Marjorie Ferguson and Trevor Millum)

There are Nine main shots which are included in Male Gaze, These come from the Two of the main theorists in media, these are; Marjorie Ferguson and Trevor Millum

Marjorie Ferguson has Four main looks which include; the Chocolate Box, Invitational, Super Smiler and Romantic/Sexual, these looks are mainly used on female models.

Trevor Millum has Five main looks which he calls, Seductive, Carefree, Practical, Comic and Catalogue.

Marjorie Ferguson's

Chocolate Box
This is a look where a female model shows a slight smile, showing as minimal amount of teeth as possible, the lips tend to be closed and the face isn't shown full on face forward

This look which focuses mainly upon the eyes, and mouth which will be closed although the model will be smiling with her head to one side, as if to be looking down upon the invitee.

Super Smiler
When a model is showing this look she'll show her full face with a full teeth smile with either her head tilted forwards or backwards.

Romantic or Sexual
This look includes both a female and a male in the picture, it will seem as if it is a dream and it should be very sexual.

Trevor Millum

When a model is posing in the Seductive look they should have their eyes slightly closed, the expressions will be small, but will still show through, they will also aim to look confident.

A Carefree look, can be linked to sports because it seems as if they are active and healthy.

A pratical will include a model who seems to be concentrating something, so thier eyes will be focussed and their mouth will be closed but not tightly.

This will be seem as if the actor/model is being studpid, comical, funny and it will normally be exagerated, to make the most as if to seem that what they are laughing at is very funny.

This will make the model have their eyes wide open, with a big smile as if they are not stupid but quite dumb.



Posted by Unknown on 21:45 in
A one sided, exaggerated and prejudicial view of a social group or set of individual’s stereotypes can be dangerous because they appear to provide a justification nonracist or other discrimination behaviour. The media can be important in reinforcing stenotypes for example television drama used to cast block people in stereotypical roles as key workers or criminals (the roles for black roles is now more varied, although many need to go to America to find interesting roles.
The ways which events in the Muslim world have been reported in the media since 2001 onwards contribute to stereotypes of Muslims as religion fanatics, potential terrorists and illegal immigrants.
Stereotyping in the media can put pressure on authorities as well e.g. Report disruptive or mildly criminal behaviour by giving people as a description of Stereotypical terms (e.g. 'young things'), the police and the courts feel that they have to take a string action. Such Action in turn is reported by the media further reinforced the stereotype.


Bridget Jones' Diary, The Boat tha Rocked and James Bond Casino Royale

Bridget Jones’ Diary
Bridget Jones’ Diary used above the line marketing strategies because they used movie trailers, A Flash based Website which is interactive, posters, billboards and adverts on buses, bus stops etc.

The Boat that Rocked
This film used below the line marketing even though they used adverts in cinemas and TV adverts they didn’t have a big premiere or a bus stop adverts or billboards, their website is difficult to find due to having to go through Working Title’s website, and it not actually being a website which is solely based on the film. Also you can tell it’s not above the line because there isn’t any A-Class actors of actresses in the film.

James Bond Casio Royale
James bond movies use above the line marketing for a couple of reasons which include: a bigger budget, famous actors/actresses and its a famous and very popular film. You can tell that James Bond films uses above the line marketing because they have adverts on tv, cinemas screens, buses, billboards, bus stops, website, internet adverts. They also sell merchandise such as: posters, albums of music form the film, books, stationary. Sony sell “007” branded products such as Sony Vaio 007 laptops, phones, etc. In the film you will see product placement marketing methods such as Aston Martin cars. Viral marketing is used as well because they have interviews, reports and reviews on TV channels, social networks, and YouTube.


Marketing and Distribution


Above the line means where the public can’t escape from see the adverts for example adverts on the side of buses. Below the line marketing is when the public can escape from seeing the adverts for example an exclusive interview of an actor or actress.
Advertising Strategies of:


This film uses above the line marketing. They use advertising methods such as creating a user account on social networks and YouTube which shows videos, images etc of the video. They also plan on airing a 5 minute 38 second movie trailer across every major USA and Canada TV network. They spent $200 million on producing the film, of which half is normally spent on marketing the movie. American magazine ‘Variety’ says "The stunt will put the footage in front of 90% of all households watching ad-supported TV, or nearly 110 million viewers. When combined with online and mobile streams that could increase to more than 140 million"

Bunny and the Bull

Bunny and the bull uses below the line advertising,. They have a website, Facebook and Twitter page, but fans will have to search for these website if they want to know about the film.

A Serious Man

The film uses similar types of marketing to Bunny and the Bull, it is below the line. It has a website, trailers and social network pages but unlike 2012 you don’t see the adverts everywhere and you can escape from seeing them.


My Male Gaze Analysis (Clip of Two and a Half Men from Youtube)

Posted by Unknown on 21:52 in , ,

This clip is an example of Male Gaze. The camera operator has focused on the curves of Megan Fox’s body, and the clothes she is wearing in the TV show. The camera shots that are used in Two and Half Men, are used to show of Megan Fox’s body and how she acts and dresses is part of the mes en scene which will help to create a good male gaze shot.

This is a SlideShare application I found, which I liked it because it explains Male Gaze and includes a couple of videos from YouTube which help explain the Male Gaze.

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